Stand out in your industry

Brand Design

Behind every great brand identity is a strategy which has been formed by thoroughly researching the target audience, competitors and more.

My client base for branding is wide and varied, including hair stylists, nail salons, business coaches, photographers, events planners and even boutique owners. We can work together to build your brand through a strategic approach which aligns with your audience and their values.

Branding identity designer from Leeds and London

Branding identity designer from Leeds and London



Understanding the audience, their values and your industry competitors is key before unlocking your strategy.


Mindfully setting goals and values for the brand is super important before starting to create any visual identity.

Brand Design

From sketching to designing in the Adobe Creative Suite and providing you with a range of visual assets and guides.



Recently Created


Using the latest creative design programmes


How I work

The Process

Step 1

Discovery Session/Call

Book your discovery session today!

Step 2

Research & Strategy

Learn about the research stage here

Step 3

Brand Values & Personality

Learn about the importance of branding here

Step 4

Logo Design & Brand Identity

View my most recently designed brands here

Step 5

File Compilation & Handover

Select a package & book today!

 Packages & Pricing

How much is the Branding investment?

My packages are a great place to start when looking for the solution which best fits your needs.


“Kathryn has been an absolute pleasure to work with”

Anastasia OF Pembroke Tutors, London


 On the blog

Blog posts on Brand design