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website design Kathryn Coopey website design Kathryn Coopey

Five things you need to include on your website’s homepage

I have previously written a blog post about 5 things you need to include on your website which, if you haven’t read that yet, I highly recommend reading that first and then coming back here to learn about the 5 things you need on your homepage specifically.

Generally speaking your homepage is your first impression. Although not always the case as your audience might have stumbled upon your blog post first (like you now perhaps) but the majority of the time it’s where people searching on google for your services will find you and land on your site.

This is why it’s super important to ensure that your homepage has at least these 5 key things to allow your audience to instantly know who you are, what you do and what the next step in their journey with you is.

Hero Banner

Your Offering


SEO Consideration

Calls to Action

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branding Kathryn Coopey branding Kathryn Coopey

My Branding Design Process

There are many steps to building a successful brand but in this post I am breaking down only the actual designing parts of the process!

Below are the main 5 steps I go through every time I create a new brand for one of my clients which I also discuss in more detail.

Finding inspiration

Initial ideas




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branding Kathryn Coopey branding Kathryn Coopey

Why is branding so important?

Building a brand isn’t just about having a pretty logo and sharing similar looking images on social media. While this helps with keeping your brand’s image consistent there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes and at the beginning of the branding process to build a business.

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